11 thoughts on “Degeneration Of Indian Democracy Into Anarchy

  1. Shobhit sharma

    One who says that the Indian constitution is under threat must turn to history and see what Indira Gandhi and Nehru did to the original constitution only to remain in power.

  2. Rakesh Das

    Politics in India always hinged on appeasing the minority and lower castes but there was nothing concrete done for these communities. Had it been so, they would have developed.

  3. Lalit Shanker

    It is very important for international media to understand the Hindu culture. It is not about exclusivity but all inclusive development and togetherness.

  4. Pranav prabhakar

    The wrongs of decades cannot be corrected in 5 or 10 years. It took decades for the Mughals to plunder India and then two centuries for British to loot India. Give BJP at least some decades to change things for good.

  5. Adarsh Kumar

    If the BJP ended Triple Talaq it was for the benefit of the minority community. If the government chose to end 370 and 35 A it will directly benefit all households in J&K.

  6. Harshil Gupta

    Muslims and other minorities in India have no reason whatsoever to feel unsafe. BJP has neither explicitly nor implicitly allowed any undermining of their interests.

  7. Mohit goel

    The word pseudo-secular perfectly defines Congress politics. In fact now that the BJP has gained hold everywhere in the country, Congress has started projecting its Hindu credentials.

  8. Dhirendra Parashar

    What is wrong in allowing citizenship to Hindus who face oppression in neighbouring countries? Do they not have any right over the Indian soil? Don’t they share the same roots and culture?

  9. Jitu Mehta

    There is little doubt that the protests against citizenship amendment act are backed and funded by opposition parties. It is a clear attempt to undermine peace and harmony.

  10. Arvind Nagarajan

    Socialism in India cannot work unless the roots of Indian economy are strengthened. India should look forward to capitalism and corporatisation of activities so that prosperity can be attained.

  11. M.Ganeshan

    Its beautiful bringing the realities in one article. India is the only country in the world where majority is minority, thanks to the unethical and self centered politicians. We are still pandering to the whims and fancies of unwanted elements in India just for the sake of power grabbing at the end of the day. India needs protection not from outsiders but more from insiders.Kindly keep it up and write


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